Member Reinstatement Policy

Per the UBC, beginning January 1, 2020 the policy on member reinstatement has changed. Please see below the changes that have been implemented.

Suspended Status:

Members in Suspended Status may only Re-instate one-time per Initiation Date.


  • Once a member is behind 6 months in their monthly union dues, their membership will then be put into Suspended Status.
  • Effective 1/1/2020 you can Re-instate one time by paying all back dues and will keep your current initiation date.
  • The next time your membership is put in Suspended Status (due to 6 months behind in your monthly dues) your only option is to Re-initiate and receive a new initiation date.

Dropped and Resigned Status:

Members in Dropped or Resigned Status are no longer eligible to Re-instate. The only option is to re-join with a new Initiation date.

Honorary Withdrawal Status:

Members in Honorary Withdrawal status can no longer Re-instate more than once in a 3-year period. Should you have any questions regarding this information, please contact your local office.


*Term Definitions

Re-instate; Re-establishing your membership by paying all back dues.
Re-initiate: Re-establishing your membership by re-joining. By re-joining you will receive a new initiation date. New Member paperwork and payment will be required.