23401 Mound Road
Suite 101
Warren, MI 48091
United States
(313) 832-3887
Local 1045 Officers
Steve McCool, President, Delegate
Kevin Lipski, Vice President
Rich Williamson, Financial Secretary
Rob Ahlgrim, Recording Secretary, Delegate
Josh Woodford, Treasurer, Delegate
Don Akers, Warden, Delegate
Doug Jeffrey, Conductor
Nate Bowen, Trustee
Alan Phillips, Trustee, Delegate
Kristyn Volk, Trustee, Delegate
Ed Freytag, Delegate
Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM.
Meeting Location:
23401 Mound Road
Warren, MI 48091 View Map
Warren, MI 48091 View Map